Google offers you free 2 GB Storage Space:

Today (2/9/2016) the #SaferInternetDay lets be safe with the Internet. Hope you all aware of the Internet Risks today. Google binds in everyone life and your Google account need to be more secured,

  • Your Android mobile is connected with Google Account
  • Your Photos, Files are stored in Gdrive
  • Gmail must be secured
  • and more

Having these things in hands you have to check at least ones, whether your profile Settings are correct. Once this is finished, Google will offer you free 2 GB Storage Space.

1. Goto

Below search bar you could find : ” It’s #SaferInternetDay. Stay safe online with a 2-minute Security Checkup”  Click the Security Checkup

Free 2gb google drive #saferinternetday

2. Security checkup Page:

You’ll be redirected to Security Checkup page, to verify all your important settings, Mainly recovery phone and Mail

Free 2gb google drive #saferinternetday

You have to check,

  • Recovery Information
  • Recent Security Events
  • Connected Devices
  • Account Pemission
  • 2-Step verification

Free 2gb google drive #saferinternetday

3. 2 GB Free GDrive Storage Space

Once all these are done, you’ll get 2 GB free Google drive Storage space

Free 2gb google drive #saferinternetday

Check your Storage here: Google drive Storage

  • Post author:
  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 2, 2019
  • Post category:Internet
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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