How to Get More views on YouTube

Once you got a fresh new idea and finished creating your YouTube channel, your next step will be creating the videos and getting more views and finally Monetizing your videos. This post explains How to get more views on YouTube, Just follow these steps.

1. Use Interesting Thumbnails and Titles:

This is a no-brainer, and still, most people do not take advantage of a good thumbnail. In the initial stages of your YouTube career, you will not be allowed to select a thumbnail for your video. Instead, one will be automatically selected for it. However, once your video does achieve a particular threshold of views, you can select a particular thumbnail.

You can also create thumbnails using many online sites like Canava.comYoutube-thumbnail-maker (1)

Make sure that you are selecting an interesting set of thumbnail images and titles to attract a lot of views.

2. Social Media Marketing:

Social media is a powerful tool at everyone’s disposal for marketing their YouTube channel. A simple way to ensure that you are making the best use of Social Media marketing is to link your YouTube channel with various social media handles. You can create a Facebook Page, Instagram Profile, Twitter Handle with the same name as your YouTube channel to stay in touch with your channel’s subscribers.

A small interesting and positive reinforcement should be provided at the end of each video to ensure that your YouTube channel receives a lot of subscriptions.

3. Develop SEO Friendly Content for Video Description:

Writing the channel and video description is as important as selecting the title of the video and the relevant tags. You should include the following details in every video description,

A disclaimer policy (taken from the YouTube guidelines) for original content,

A plea to the owners of copyrighted material that will state recognition for borrowing the content and removal of content in case the owner is not satisfied with the use. This will help you prevent any copyright strikes on your account. (When you receive three copyright strikes on your YouTube channel, your channel is banned, and you must start over),

Relevant details about the video such as music/images/source of information used,

Links to your Social media profiles/pages.

While writing the description of your YouTube videos, you should ensure that it is filled with strategically placed keywords that are also part of the relevant tags.

4. Use Relevant Tags:

When you upload a video, the first thing that you want to ensure is that you are using all the relevant tags for the video. For example, if it is a funny video, your tags can be ‘Funniest Video Ever,’ ‘Funny Cat Video,’ ‘Funny,’ ‘Hilarious,’ etc.

The trick to using successful, relevant tags is to think like your audience. Whenever you are writing tags for a video, ask yourself this question, “What will my audience type in the YouTube search bar to reach my video?” There is no harm in using trending topics/words as part of the tags for the video instead these words will help in redirecting a lot of traffic towards your video.

5. Search for Trending Topics/Genres of Videos:

In case you are a budding YouTuber who wishes to upload new content about a particular genre you should give ample amount of time in research for the video content. You do not want to mislead your audience into believing something that is not well-researched.

When you are confident about your video content, make sure that you switch on the comments/likes feature review on your video. People will tend to watch videos with more views/comments/likes.

6. Enroll for Paid YouTube Tools/Expert Guidance: 

It is quite common for people to invest in professional services to be famous on YouTube. YouTube can also serve as a platform that will help you connect with people who are successful on YouTube. Several famous YouTubers often lend personal help to you in case you ask politely.

Some of the famous YouTubers that you can connect with include, Kiran Voleti, and Mark Robertson. You can watch their YouTube videos to have a fair idea on how to monetize your videos and how to prevent and copyright claim issues.

A good book that you can rely on for extensive YouTube knowledge is An Insider’s Guide to Climbing the Charts by Alan Lastufka and Michael Dean. You can also enroll for a professional level paid course by Matt Kovel who is a renowned YouTuber and former YouTube consultant.

7. Use Non-Copyright Material: 

Copyright and infringement issues are quite common on YouTube, and the platform follows a strict policy against people stepping on these boundaries. YouTube allows monetization of videos that are creative and original. In case you wish to enhance the quality of your video by using a copyrighted video/music/picture you must take permission from the owner of that video.

Most people use songs/music from some other source to add to their music. A simple tool (application) to ensure that you can use the music without copyright issues is to modify it. Use Audacity (Computer Application) to modify a few aspects of the music piece.

8. Don’t be Afraid to Counter a Claim Argument:

A lot of fraudsters on YouTube wait to claim money that is rightfully yours. These people will claim your video saying that the content is somehow related to their videos. If you have studied the YouTube policies properly, you can easily distinguish between original content and the use of copyrighted material.

When these people try to claim your video, you have the option to give into their claim or counter their claim. If you are confident that the video that you have uploaded is your own and you have the relevant documents to use any copyrighted material, you can counter the claim. YouTube will review your claim and grant you back the monetization rights once it finds your case valid.

As you gain more and more popularity on YouTube, the chances are that the ruling will be in your favor in the case of a copyright claim.

Final words,

Don’t forget to post videos regularly. If you find any other better Tips to get more views for YouTube videos just drop that in comments, we’ll get back to you.

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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