The Cisco certification can do miracles for your resume. Do you think that’s an exaggeration? But you cannot ignore the fact that Cisco is a reputable vendor that offers a large variety of certifications to help professionals improve their skills in different domains. For example, you can gain the Cisco qualification that will verify your ability to identify and manage cloud or networking solutions. Besides, this qualification will help you obtain a better-paid job offer.

At the same time, you should be prepared for challenging exams that will check whether you developed solid knowledge on the tested topics. Moreover, as the competition is quite high, if you want to get the minimum passing score, then you should focus on training. For this reason, this article collects the most useful recommendations that you can apply to secure your success on the first attempt at

Effective Study Tips to Earn the Cisco Accreditation

Tips to get Cisco Accreditation

In the following paragraphs, you will learn about some interesting tips that you can use to pass the official exam and gain the relevant Cisco certification that will boost your career:

  1. Gain practical experience

    The majority of Cisco certifications require applicants to have practical experience in the IT field. It might seem an exigent condition, it helps you increase your chances to earn the coveted certificate with ease. That’s because, while working to get the required practical experience, you will understand how to implement the theoretical information in a real business environment. Also, you will become familiar with the basic concepts used in IT. The perfect choice, in this case, will be the CCNA designation. As a result, once you start training for getting Cisco certified, you will learn faster as you can make connections with real scenarios and understand the specialized language used by trainers or in self-study resources.
  2. Use verified training materials

    You can find plenty of preparation materials online that promise to help you achieve the Cisco qualification, be it of the associate, professional, expert or specialist level. However, you should stay away from scams and choose verified study resources only. You can start by checking the vendor’s official website and enrol in the available training classes. Cisco trainers are recognized experts in networking, design, collaboration, security and other related technology areas and are open to sharing their expertise. Besides, you can apply the official study guides dedicated to the exam you need to take to become certified. Finally, you can check for additional self-study materials that will consolidate your skills
  3. Stay organized and take breaks

    While it is important to focus on training as much as you can to gain your desired Cisco qualification, but don’t overdo it. When you start training for the Cisco tests, you also need to stay organized. And, depending on your schedule, you should plan consistent and regular training classes. Besides, you must take breaks to put your ideas in order and allow your brain to recover from an intensive preparation process. For that make a schedule and dedicate enough time for studying and rest.

Sum Up

As a result, this certification will not only open the doors of international companies for you, but it will also help you market yourself as an expert in networking, CyberOps, security, and more. Besides, this accreditation demonstrates that you are more experienced in comparison to your non-certified colleagues. And even though the qualifying exams might be challenging, you shouldn’t be afraid of them as long as you use the study tips described above.

Notes and Fees of CCNA Certification Exam

Cisco’s professional qualification certificate has always been known as the “through train to high salary” around the world, which shows that its high value is recognized by many employers. Passing Cisco certification means that you will join the ranks of network professionals who are recognized and respected by the industry. With a Cisco certificate, the chance of success is much higher. Most readers know little about CCNA certification. Here, SPOTO will share with you the experience in taking part in the process of certification, training, teaching and engineering.

1. Whether it is necessary to take part in CCNA certification training?

There has been a lot of debate on this issue. Candidates should treat it differently according to their own situation.

If you are a college student or have never been in contact with real routers and switches, it is recommended that you participate in the training. Otherwise, you won’t even know whether the router is square or round, and you will become a real paper CCNA.

If you are a network engineer with rich practical experience, you can complete CCNA certification through self-study. The key is to choose a CCNA textbook that is systematic and in-depth and closely combines theory and practice. The CCNA Certification Guide is a very good CCNA textbook for self-study and training. Readers can collect relevant introductions and comments on the Internet.

Although it is manageable to pass CCNA certification through self-study, self-study may make you lose the ability of practical operation or in-depth understanding of knowledge. If you continue to learn for CCNP certification and CCIE certification, self-study will consume a lot of time. If conditions permit, it is recommended to take a Cisco certification course. The training fee of about 153 US dollars is not expensive compared with the time spent on self-study of CCNA. In particular, some Cisco training institutions also provides applications for exam discount numbers, and the CCNA 200 301 exam fee of 250 US dollars can enjoy an 80% discount.

2. How to choose the proper training institution?

If you want to participate in the training, finding a good training centre is the preliminary task. How to make a good choice?

First, consider the cost. The training cost of CCNA certification is generally about 153 US dollars. But in some training institutions most of which are Cisco network technology colleges in universities, qualified students can apply for the discount of CCNA exam fee after formal training, and the CCNA exam fee of 250 US dollars can be discounted by 80%, that is, about 50 dollars.

Secondly, consider the qualifications of training institutions. It is best to choose an institution with a training history like SPOTO. What exists is reasonable. Since it can exist for many years, it must have real strength. Generally speaking, it is difficult for beginners to understand the knowledge through participating in the training only once. It is suggested to choose a training institution that permits students to listen to the course again and provides students with an experimental environment.

Thirdly, consider the teacher’s teaching level. It is best to choose teachers with more engineering experience, preferably CCIE lecturers. But we should also pay attention to the teacher’s ability to teach.

Finally, choose the right learning materials. Some foreign textbooks are not necessarily suitable for Chinese readers because there are great differences after translation. It is recommended to choose The CCNA Certification Guide which is different from traditional textbooks.

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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