Top News websites of All time

News websites are a great way for an individual to know about the events which take place across the globe. The most important advantage of these websites is that the information is real-time and is available at a single click of a button.

If you are the person who is interested in knowing the facts and the events around the world, then here is the list of ten best NEWS websites:

  1. The CNN network:

    cnn news website


The CNN network had its humble beginnings in the year 1980 in Atlanta, Georgia. This great enterprise gives the latest information, breaking headlines and up to the minute news on various happenings around the world.

  1. The New York Times:


the new york times

The New York Times has been in the information sector from the year 1851. It delivers news on multimedia, fashion, business, travel, education, books and many more topics for the diverse demographic.


huffington post news website

The Huffington post is the news website of the millennium. Started in 2005, the Huffington post offers great coverage on the scenario of US politics, comedy, entertainment, style and world news at a glance. The easy navigation of the Huffington Post news website attracts many readers who can read the related news of the current subject on the same page.

  1. Fox News:

fox news

The Fox News is the go-to news website on knowing the current happenings in the country along with the latest information from the world of entertainment, health, business, sports, and lifestyle. From the early 90’s, the Fox News has the credentials of delivering real-time updates on events occurring worldwide.

  1. USA Today:

usa today news website

The USA Today is an excellent news website that offers information about the happenings around the United States of America. The news website of USA Today offers updates from the current local and national news, sports, finance, technology. They are also famous for providing award-winning journalism through means of videos and photo captures.

  1. Reuters:

reuters news website

Reuters is an international news agency having its headquarters in the United Kingdom. The US wing of Reuters provides the latest and current news of the US political scenario along with the current happenings in the field of sports, entertainment, lifestyle and the economic situation.


politico news website

Politico is one of the pioneer news websites that essentially reports the happenings in the Capitol Hill, the presidential campaign, and Washington. This news website mainly covers the news relating to the Congress, the White House, and the ongoing political issues in the country.

  1. Yahoo News:

yahoo news

Yahoo news is one of the preferred websites to know about the current events in the country. The reader can get breaking news and in-depth coverage of the event along with exclusive photos and videos.

  1. Los Angeles Times:

los angeles news news websiteWant to everything happening in California? Then the Los Angeles Times news is your best pick. The Los Angeles Times gives the current happenings around the country along with articles on entertainment, local events, and other events.

  1. NBC News:


NBC news is operational from 1940, and its news website is the go-to source for information on global news and the current events of the country. The site provides the latest news and updates on world events, politics, health, sports, lifestyle and the pop culture.

nbc news

These are some of the best news websites that offer the latest information and real-time updates on the events happening around the world in a click of a button. So visit, these news sites to know the current facts from the comfort of your couch.


Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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