We all have several email ids and we get numerous fake emails. Some say we won the lottery while some assure to give you a gift hamper, and people who search for jobs they get many fake emails of openings in huge firms. It’s just not a fake mail but there are hackers out there who are trying to hack into your account, bluff you and steal from you. Studies show that the rate of cyber-crime has increased by 26% from 2014 to 2016 and it is increasing since then with high rate. Cybercriminals made approximately $1.5 trillion this year. Hence it has become very important to keep your accounts, laptops, PC and all other devices that use internet safe and secure. So, we are here to help you banish these fake emails. These are a few tips that you can follow in order to get rid of fake emails.

  1. Train your spam filter

    The spam filter will help you to segregate the important emails and fake emails. Either you use Yahoo or Gmail or any other mailing site, you will definitely find a spam box along with inbox, trash, important emails etc. If you find some fake mail which is in your inbox, you can just report that as spam. So next time whenever you will get any mail similar to that it will automatically go into your spam box. And if some useful mail goes into spam box you can just click on ‘Not Spam’ to move it to the inbox. By editing your settings you can also block the sender. Spam folder is called Junk folder in outlook.

  2. Remember to unsubscribe:

    you might often get emails like newsletters, updates, digital magazines etc. You don’t remember subscribing them, but while surfing the internet you might log in or even if you don’t their automated tools get your email address. So whenever you get such a message and you don’t want to get them in future just click on to ‘Unsubscribe’. You will find this option at the bottom of your mail. There is one more option which you may try if you want updates from those but want to get rid of cluttered emails, it is ‘Unroll.me’. It is a third party source this extension helps you to condense all these emails into one single daily mail. iCloud, Yahoo, Gmail and Outlook supports this extension. It is free of charges but you need to be careful before signing up, as it earns from the anonymized data collected on shopping trends.

  3. Employ alternative email address:

    It is one of the most common ways to separate useful emails and fake emails. You can create a new account or separate account for official or useful emails and one for online shopping, booking etc. In this way, all your useful emails will come to one account while useless emails will come to another mailbox. If you are a Gmail or Yahoo user than it will be easier as you can handle both the email address in one app, as it allows you to access multiple accounts at the same time. But, it you don’t want to create a whole new account then you can go to the ‘Options’ then go to ‘Settings’ followed by ‘Filters and Blocked Address’. Then create a new filter by clicking on ‘Create a New Filter’, enter your proxy email to the ‘To’ field, either by adding dots or plus sign in your actual email id. You can also add filters like archive, mark them as read or combinations etc.

  4. Download third-party extensions:

    you can download third-party extensions which comes with super amazing features which filter all your useful emails, important emails, and spams. You can also customize filters in settings. These extensions are free of cost but if you want full feature services then you need to buy it.

  5. Protect your email address:

    In order to protect your email address, you need to separate your primary mail from social media and online shopping sites. As hackers and scammers use social media platforms to get all the data and information they need. Email marketers use auto bots, tools or tracking pixels or similar technology to collect email address. So, when your official email id and social id will be separate they can’t easily hack into your account. When you open such emails the sender get a notification which verifies whether the account is in use or not, some emails also contain viruses and other malware, which attacks your device. Hence, to protect your device do not open such emails.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 12, 2018
  • Post category:Internet
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Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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