TechCrunch is a hub of notable journalists and contributes who update the site with latest technology news. You can find everything from information related to latest gadget launches, opinions, and reviews at TechCrunch. This amazing website is owned by America Online, which is a part of Verizon.

  • Industry: Technology news and analysis
  • Founded: June 10, 2005
  • Founder(s): Michael Arrington, Keith Teare
  • Headquarters: Bay Area, United States
  • Website:

History of TechCrunch 

Tech crunch has been a favorite destination to learn about breath-taking breaking news, profiling start-ups and a lot more among youngsters. Its story dates back to the year 2005, this was when Michael Arrington launched an informative blog to share his views regarding companies that were making a difference in the world of Web 2.0.

Before starting TechCrunch, Michael Arrington was indulged in many different entrepreneurial endeavors. He was a former lawyer and left his practice to join the Real Names. He co-founded several other ventures such as Achex,, Edgeio, and

The acquisition of YouTube by the leading name Google in 2006 paved the way for the success of TechCrunch. The co-founder of TechCrunch, Arrington posted a brief news about his opinion on the acquisition. He was quoted at several other sites for his clear views. The site grew and became far much popular than before overnight. Today, TechCrunch draws more than 37 million page views every month.

In 2010, Michael Arrington decided to leave his position at TechCrunch. The company was acquired by AOL at this moment. Arrington had decided to start CrunchFund, a VC firm involved in funding technology start-ups. Read more 

More about TechCrunch 

TechCrunch also operated CrunchBase, which is just like a database. It has numerous data about start-ups, investors, private and public companies operating worldwide. CrunchBase pairs powerful applications and tools to provide detailed business information. The company claims to possess more than 50,000 active contributors and over 2 million users each month.

Recently, TechCrunch launched CrunchBase Pro that offers even more dynamic features. With the help of CrunchBase Pro, you can find new companies, investors interested in your industry etc. to gain a deep understanding of the competitive environment.

TechCrunch started an event The Crunchies in the year 2008. It is an award ceremony that celebrates most compelling start-ups and innovations of the year across 12 popular categories. There is a lot that TechCrunch offers to budding stars in the business environment. TechCrunch disrupt is an evident example of this. TechCrunch disrupt is an annual conference that begins in 2011. It is hosted in San Francisco, New York each year. In this conference, new start-ups are invited to launch their competitive products and services on stage. Potential venture capitalists and media are also present here. The candidates not only earn contacts and publicity but are also entitled to prize money.

The visitors can access TechCrunch in major three languages including Japanese, English, and Chinese. In the year 2014, TechCrunch was featured in Silicon Valley series on HBO. The website has more than 2.5 million likes on Facebook and 8 million followers on Twitter.

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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