Facebook sends your friends Birthday notification every day, But how to go to this section without getting a notification? there is no Birthday section on Facebook Mobile App to see the list of upcoming Birthdays. This post will help you find your friend’s Birthday date on Facebook Mobile App and also on Facebook Website on PC.

Steps to Find Upcoming Birthdays on Facebook App

To find the list of friends who have their birthday today, tomorrow and later this week can be found on the Facebook Birthday section to go there, please do the following steps-

  1. Open Facebook Mobile App
  2. Click on the search icon (top right)

    Facebook Search
  3. Search – Birthdays

    Facebook upcoming birthdays
  4. Now Click on Upcoming Birthdays Facebook shortcut

    Facebook Friends Birthdays

Now you can see the list of friends who have Birthday today, yesterday and the list follows.

Steps to Find Someone’s Birthdays on Facebook App

You might be suddenly remembering that your close friend’s birthday is around the corner but you forgot the date, one good way to find the date is by checking Facebook. Follow the steps below to find your friends Birthday-

  1. Search for your Friend’s Profile
  2. Click on About info

    Friend profile
  3. Now, under basic info, you can see your friend’s birthday

    Friend birthday

Sometimes you couldn’t see your friend’s birthday here, because he or she might have preferred not to show his birthday to anyone except him, in that case his birthday won’t be available for public to view.

Steps to Find Upcoming Birthdays on Facebook Website [PC]

With the change in the Facebook UI finding any option is hard now, but this new change in the home page is much better and simple than the previous Facebook website version, to find the Facebook birthdays on PC, just login to facebook and see right side bar for Birthdays.

Facebook birthdays on PC

You’ll see a small section for birthdays along with people who are celebrating their birthdays today. Clicking on that will show you the list of Today, Yesterday and upcoming birthdays. You can bookmark this page to your browser to quickly check birthdays whenever needed.

Steps to Find Birthdays on Facebook Website [Mobile]

You might be using the Facebook Mobile web version on your phone instead of using Facebook App. To find friends’ birthday on Facebook mobile website, just follow the same steps, go to search and search for birthday and click enter. (you won’t see Upcoming Birthdays Facebook Shortcut as you saw in App).

How to Enable Facebook Birthday Notification

If you don’t have the Birthday Notifications enabled, Go to settings and choose Notification. From the list you can see Birthdays, You can toggle the ON button to turn ON notification and choose what all the types of notifications. You can choose Push – this will show a pop-up notification on your PC browser, choosing Email will send mail to the registered mail id everyday. Choosing SMS will send a message with the list of people with today’s birthday to your mobile phone.

Birthday Notification

If you are looking for a way to send automatic birthday wish to your FB friends, read below-

With all the hustle at home and office you might forgot the birthday of your loved ones, but Facebook notification on the Facebook App will help you remind them, but what if you don’t have the Facebook App or just a notification is not enough, we have a way to automate birthday wishes.

Birthday Buddy – A Google Chrome extension, when installed and configured on your PC, will automatically create and send birthday cards to your Facebook friends, you can give this a try. You can also follow this post from Guidingtech to automate B’day wishes.

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  • Reading time:6 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 10, 2020
  • Post category:Internet
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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