You can easily find and use the Whiteboard on Google Meet and this post will guide you. Whiteboards help you to collaborate and work on a plan or teach students. Google Meet whiteboard is limited with very few features, you can try other free online boards to get features like using a template, voting, timer, and many more.

Steps to use Google Meet Whiteboard on PC

Google Meet is one quality product by Google to stand on top of the video conferencing tool, and If you are a vivid user of Google Meet and you are looking for a whiteboard to collaborate with your people you can enable and use Jamboard (Whiteboard planner by Google) inside your Google Meet and share this during a meeting. below are the steps to do that.

  1. Start a Google Meet meeting
  2. Click on the three dots at the bottom right
  3. Choose whiteboard (Open a Jam)

    Google Meet Whiteboard sharing
  4. You’ll get a new Jamboard, where you can use the various whiteboard options Test, like Pen, Pencil, Marker, Note, Shapes, upload an image, and more.

    Google Meet Whiteboard

Steps to use Google Meet Whiteboard on Mobile

Actually you don’t have Whiteboard or Jamboard option for Google Meet mobile, but Epost100 has a different idea, please find the below steps to get whiteboard on your Google Meet Android or iPhone.

  1. Install Jamboard from Play store or Apple store (You can also try any of the best online Whiteboards)

    google meet jamboard
  2. Open the whiteboard and keep it ready
  3. Now, during the meeting, Select three dots
  4. choose screen share

    Google meet share
  5. Now, open the whiteboard and start using it.

If you want to understand this more clear, checkout the video below-

How to use other Whiteboards on Google Meet

You don’t have functionalities like voting, timer, Image, and document uploads to the whiteboard and many more on Jamboard, I’d suggest you try any of these free online Whiteboards.

You can get any of the whiteboards ready and you can use the screen share feature on Google meet to show then your whiteboard, also many of the whiteboards I mentioned have their own video conferencing feature, you can try that or you can try Zoom Whiteboard.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 28, 2020
  • Post category:Internet
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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