3D animals like Dog, Cat, Tiger, Panda, Shark, and more in Google search results, How to see them? Google Announced this awesome AR (Augmented Reality) feature in Google search results during Google I/O 2019, On the stage, they unveiled a giant Shark from Google Search results. Now just by using your smartphone with Google AR core, you can see 3D animals like Tiger, Lion, Dog, and more. Also, Google just added Chauvet Cave, Neil Armstrong and Human body parts to the list of it’s 3D AR.

How to view 3D life-sized Animals (3D Tiger) in Google Search results

Here in this post, I’ll teach you how to enable AR and see 3D animals (3D Tiger) in your phone and What are the list of Animals you can see.

Google uses your Mobile phones camera to use the Augmented reality program to bring the life-sized animals nearly real. Just like using a Google Lens to scan an object, here you just have to find a flat surface to bring out the 3D animals. In this post we will see list of Google 3D animals one by one.

1. Install Google Play Services for AR (AR Core)

Download and Install Google Play Services for AR. ARcore App helps in opening the AR applications in your Android mobile If you already have the app update it to the latest version. If you can’t install, sorry you need the latest Android device. If your phone doesn’t support this app, please try these AR Apps.

Google Play services for AR

Top VR and AR Posts
1. Best Virtual Reality Apps For Android
2. Google Easter Eggs
3. Top VR – virtual reality games

2. Go to Google and search “Tiger”

Go to google.com and search animals like Tiger, Dog, Cat or please see below to check the list of Animals you can see them in 3D, I’m searching “Tiger” here.

3. Click on View in 3D

Now scroll down in the Google search page and click the “View in 3D” button, If you are not seeing this button, then you don’t have ARcore, try to install and check, and this also won’t work in incognito mode.

4. View Tiger in your Space

wait for some time to load and you’ll get your Tiger, you can move, turn and resize the animal, to keep the Tiger in your Table or somewhere click “View in Your Space”.

If this didn’t work – Try how to Fix Google 3D AR View in Your Space not Working or follow the steps below.

5. Move your phone around to get the Tiger

Now your camera will open and you’d have got the mobile symbol in motion, Just show your phone down in a flat surface and rotate. Tada! your Tiger is here.

6. Your 3D Tiger is here!

Now you can see your Animal in front of you in the real size, pinch it to resize, you can move and play with that. And the sound is also realistic. You can click the bottom circle to take a photo with the Animal, and unfortunately, Video is not possible right now.

Now 3D AR Dinosaur is live on Google Search

Just like, Google Tiger, Lion and, Human Body, Google just unveiled life-size Dinosaurs on Google Search, you can see Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Triceratops, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Pteranodon, and Parasaurolophus.


Just follow above steps on Google replacing Tiger with Dinosaur.

How to fix View in your Space

Many commented in the 3D Tiger YouTube video saying “View in Your Space” is not working. I’m giving you some solutions below-

  1. As I mentioned in step 1, you need Google Play services for AR (formerly AR core). Install the App and try your Tiger, Lion or other animals and if it worked, tada! that’s the solution.
  2. If you can’t install the App, I’m sorry your phone doesn’t support Google AR, Unless your Phone is Huawei you have an alternative solution, you can Download and install the latest Google Play Services for AR v1.12 from APK Mirror and Enjoy Google 3D Animals.
  3. We always have a solution for everything – Try these Top 5 AR Apps

How to Record a Video with 3D Animals

Currently, you can take photos with your 3D AR Animal and no video recording option was given. We have an alternative solution for that. Record your screen using a screen recorder. Android and iPhones have built-in screen recorder these days, turn that ON and started playing with your 3D Tiger and other animals and yes, you got a video with them.

Screen recorder
Screen recorder icon in Android Phone.

List of 3D animals and objects

Below are the 20 different animals you can view them in your space using your phone. Install Play services for AR and try these animals, again You can’t see the animals without installing the app.

New Arrival: 3D Butterfly

1. Dog view in 3D Google

This is a 3D Dog, you can get this just by searching Dog in Google search, This Dog can bark, sit down, scrath face and more.

2. 3D Neil Armstrong

You can go to Google Search on your mobile and search for Neil Armstrong to see “See the Neil Armstrong spacesuit up close” now click on view in 3d. When you click on view in your space, you can see Neil Armstrong suit in your space.

3D AR Neil Armstrong

3. Chauvet Cave

Chauvet Cave is in France, when you search for it on Google search mobile, you can see “See the Chauvet cave frescoes up close”, click on view in 3D and Click on view in your space to bring the whole cave to your space and take photos in front of the AR cave.

Chauvet Cave in 3D

4. Human Body

Now you can see Human body parts in 3D AR just by searching them in Google, the below image shows the Human Digestive system in 3D. This will help the students learn about Human body easy and quick.

3D AR Human Body

5. Cat view in 3D Google

Search for Cat in google to get a Live Cat in 3D which will say Meow and do live cat actions.

6. 3D Raccoon

Now, you can see a Raccoon in 3D too, this might be a little creepy but a good one to try and have the fun.

7. 3D Shark

3D shark in Google search is one of the most searched Google 3D animals, you can get this just by searching Shark in Google and move to view in space to see a life-size shark swimming in your own place. If you have a swimming pool, you can show this 3D shark on top of the pool to make it look real.

8. 3D Octopus

9. 3D Wolf

10. 3D Horse

11. 3D Turtle

12. 3D Giant Panda

13. Tiger view in 3D Google

14. 3D Bear

15. 3D Cheetah

16. 3D Crocodile

17. 3D Snake

18. 3D Eagle

19. 3D lions

20. 3D alpine goat

21. 3D Hedgehog

22. 3D Angler fish

23. 3D Penguins

Ready to view 3D Animals in Google?

Here ends the list, I’ll update this 3D animals list frequently, let me know if you find any interesting AR objects in Google search below in comments section. Enjoy Google AR.

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Hercu

    I can’t see 3D animals, Please help

    1. Thomas Androws

      I just updated the content with the solution to all the issues, please check and let me know.

  2. Kendra Montesa

    This is great I like 3D Tiger, Octopus, and the Wold. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Christian Gruber

    Hi, i am not able to see 3d Tiger on my Galaxy note 10+
    And yes i have installed the Ar core app, any idea.?

    1. Thomas Androws

      I just updated the article to fix View in your Space issue, check and let me know.


  4. gerald

    im unable to view 3D on my google search, please help me

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