Who would say no to free services, especially when it is apple music that you are getting free for a trial version? But once you outlast this free trial, when the app auto-renew its subscription, where you will get charged for using Apple’s services. If only you know where to look, canceling the subscription is no hassle.

cancel Apple music

Cancel Apple Music through App

One way of doing so is using the Apple Music app where, in the beginning, you probably signed up to use Apple’s services.

  • Start by opening the Music app.
  • Tap on the For You tab which you will see on the top right corner of your profile icon.
  • Once you click on it, scroll down till you see View Account.
  • Click on it and then look for view Apple ID, click on it once you find it.
  • See subscriptions? Tap on it.
  • Click on Apple Music Subscription.
  • After clicking on that, at the bottom of the page you will see the Cancel Subscription option.
  • Click on it, confirm that you want to cancel it.

Voila! Your subscription has been canceled.

Cancel Apple Music through Desktop 

There is another way to do so, which is using iTunes on Windows or a Mac.

  • Begin with launching iTunes.
  • Go to Your Account, by clicking on Account on the menu bar.
  • Log in, if you already haven’t.
  • Scroll down the settings to click on Manage which is next to the Subscription tab.
  • Edit ‘Apple Music Subscription’.
  • Click on Cancel Subscription and confirm it.

What happens after you cancel your subscription?

Canceling your service still allows you to use apple music till your trial version of the app ends or till the end of the period of the services that you have already paid for. Cancellation simply means avoiding auto-renewal of the subscription which clears the doubt that you don’t have to wait for the billing day to cancel the subscription. But this will lead to a deletion of all the songs that you downloaded from apple music and the songs you bought from iTunes.

Before your subscriptions expire you will get notified about it so that you can change your decision.

Can I keep my iTunes music?

Your iCloud music library allows you to access your iTunes library anytime you want to if you have added your music to it. But to do so, you will need an Apple Music subscription. So, you don’t have to worry about your collection getting lost forever. It is always a subscription away.

Unlike Spotify, Apple doesn’t allow you to keep your music. But there are always apps available to keep your playlist even after the expiry of the subscription. Such apps allow you to transport files over other apps by temporary moving them to intermediate apps and then downloading them over your device or moving them to any other platform like Spotify.

So, here are the basic steps to cancel your Apple Subscription. Give it a complete thought before cancellation.  

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  • Reading time:5 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 14, 2021
  • Post category:Apple
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Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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