The Internet has forever changed the modern workplace. In the new normal where enterprises embraced digitization to stay afloat, Growmotely survey statistics reveal that 74% of professionals expect remote work to become the new standard. And 76% of entrepreneurs agree that remote working is here to stay. Despite the fact that many enterprises have struggled with this rapid digital transformation, there’s no denying that the increased connectivity has been largely beneficial for any jobs that can be accomplished on a screen.

Streamlined Collaboration

Chief among these benefits is the collaborative power of the Internet. Remote work platforms like Telegram and Slack have enabled modern enterprises not just to stay afloat but thrive in the new normal. Apart from streamlined communication channels, these platforms have built-in video conferencing and work organizing tools that have made them essential to today’s virtual teams. And there are even remote working platforms developed for specific and highly complicated trades.

This can also be observed in how designers are able to set up systems for global collaboration. An example of this is how electronic manufacturing company Altium, which design and build printed circuit boards (PCBs), have created global PCB design systems. These systems, which are replicated across industries, enable designers, manufacturers, and engineers to instantly collaborate on a shared platform to improve tomorrow’s PCBs, even if they’re in different parts of the world. This instant global collaboration on a universal platform wasn’t possible until the development of cloud technology. With specific features aimed at simplifying the design processes, these platforms are a glimpse into the future of streamlined and collaborative remote working in the technical industries.

Streamlined Networking

In the connected world, there are endless opportunities to network. And much of this is thanks to the still rapid growth of social media. Checking LinkedIn social profiles continue to be one of the best ways to start finding partners or collaborators for business. Apart from LinkedIn, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus continue to rake in millions of unique daily visitors. And many of these platforms are also seeing increased use in not just retail but virtually every sector of business.

While there used to be clear lines between purely social networks and ones that were reserved for professionals, these lines are blurred with the rapid expansion and evolution of social media. In the digital age, any genuine social connection can also translate into a new job opportunity or mutually beneficial business relationship. Even as it’s never been easier to work as a freelancer, the competition has also never been this fierce.

Greater Flexibility

internet flexibility

Flexibility is the key reason why individual workers and businesses alike have embraced remote working. It’s why Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was celebrated when he announced that all his employees can work-from-home for as long as they want to. As today’s web-connected devices enable virtually any type of onscreen work to be accomplished anywhere and anytime, remote workers are no longer tied to the schedules and offices of the traditional workplace. And with this flexibility comes autonomy, better productivity, and more opportunities for achieving work-life balance.

These developments will continue in the next normal. In the ever-evolving age of connectivity, the workplace will never be the same again.

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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