When it comes to creating brand awareness, the use of social media is inevitable. The increasingly popular platforms are the best source for marketing campaigns throughout the globe. All the well-known celebrities and brands use social media platforms to connect with their fans and to make their presence felt to the masses. Different brands use social media for carrying out successful marketing campaigns.


When it comes to sharing visual multimedia content, Instagram is one of the most incredibly popular platforms among people. The platform is used by millions, primarily as a photo and video sharing service that remains at the heart of the best social media tool for connecting with the masses.

But, we all have sometimes noticed that blue tick beside the name on Instagram. That looks like an authentic and a status kind of thing, which all of us want to have. But what is it? Moreover, how can you get it in your profile too? We’ll look into these details in the best part of our blog. Just stick to this blog carefully to get your own ‘blue check’ in your profile and how to get verified on Instagram.

How to Get Verified on Instagram? [2022]

The ‘blue check’ is a kind of verification that Instagram provides to the user to mark it as an authentic and unique profile that represents any public figure or a global brand. This verification follows a standard process and is not available to all, for obvious reasons. This blue check helps people differentiate between an imposter and the real personality or brand. These checks appear in searches and also acts as a status symbol signifying the notable presence of any public figure or global brand. If you think that you are one among the deserving pool of candidates to get this verification, we’ve got some useful tips on how to get verified on Instagram?

How To Get Verified On Instagram

Follow these three easy steps to get verified on Instagram.

  1. Logging in your Instagram account:
    This process requires you to go to www.instagram.com and login there with your existing profile credentials. If you are a new user, go to sign up and create a new user account by filling in the desired information.

    Once logged in, you need to go to the ‘Settings’ tab. The Settings icon can be found at the bottom of the ‘Menu’ tab at the top right corner of your profile screen. This is the first process of how to get verified on Instagram.
  2. Go to the ‘Account’ section:
    After entering the Settings tab, find the ‘Account’ tab and click on it. A list of menus will appear inside the ‘Account’ tab. Navigate to the ‘Request Verification’ tab and click on it. 
  3. Identity confirmation:
    After clicking on ‘Request verification,’ a form will appear asking your identity details. Fill in the fields as per the identity. Fill the required details:

    1. Full Name: Provide your full name as per the government-issued documents that you are going to use as an authentication document.
    2. Known As: This field requires that name associated with your identity that most people know you. For brands, it is the name of your company. People can use their nicknames or middle names that they are mostly known as among a group of people.
    3. Category: This differentiates you based on your domain. Like you can choose from news, influencer, brand, fashion, or others. Choose the one that is resonating with your personality.
  4. Upload a scanned copy of identity proof issued by the government or any business document that recognizes you as an authentic personality. For individuals, you may use your passport or a government-issued ID card. For other business organizations, the tax return copy or utility bill on the company can be used. The name on the document should match the above-filled information. Uploading ID proof is necessary concerning to get verified on Instagram.
  5. Then, tap ‘Send.’
    After your verification request has been submitted successfully, Instagram reviews your application to match its existing rules and regulations regarding the same. As per the instructions on Instagram, they will be verifying to ‘confirm the authenticity, uniqueness, completeness, and notability’ of your profile. This is the last step of how to get verified on Instagram.

After reviewing, you will be notified through the Instagram notifications about the approval and denial of your application. Instagram usually takes a couple of days for review purposes; however, there is no specified timeframe for this process. This is an entirely free process, and you don’t need to pay anything for the same. Any requests to pay for verification are a scam and should be reported immediately to the Instagram help center. In the rest of our blog on how to get verified on Instagram, we’ll talk about more additional helpful tips.

 Tips on how to get verified on Instagram.

Along with the above-mentioned formal guidelines, some unsaid rules will help you in getting your verification early. Submitting a request doesn’t guarantee the ‘blue check.’ Here, we provide some of the additional guidelines that will help you in figuring out how to get verified on Instagram.

  • Have an engaging profile: You must have a complete profile bio on Instagram to interact with other people. All information and engaging bio help you to provide a trustworthy image of yours on the social media platform. It creates a sense of trust among other users and also helps people know you better. 
  • Be honest during your verification process: It is wise to be completely honest during the various stages of your Instagram process. Use your real name and bio so that no fake news can be created, which may hinder the verification process. Cheating the Instagram verification system by producing false and misleading information will be rejected entirely, and additional action, Instagram may even delete the account.
  • Have an outside presence: A vast number of followers doesn’t guarantee a verification. Make sure you have a notable presence outside Instagram. Your website or other account profiles should be optimized appropriately, to be in the top of the search lists. And be regular with your posts to engage the audience. For knowing how to get verified on Instagram, it is essential to have an outside presence too.

With so many plans and efforts involved in how to get verified on Instagram, it is undoubtedly a helpful way to differentiate yourself from the crowd. IG verification also helps you in removing miscreants that may use the names of public people for misleading purposes. It also creates a brand name of the company and helps to build trust. 

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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