• Simple steps to Mute Notifications in iPhone
  • You have 3 options to Mute Notifications – Mute for 1 hour, Mute for Today, Turn off Notifications.
  • Better Group all your notifications to single expandable alerts.
  • Method given in this post is for iOS 15, but it is similar to other iPhone OS versions.
  • Also read about enabling Announce Notification.

Apple has released the iOS 15 as part of WWDC 2021 with huge updates to its built-in apps in Safari, FaceTime, Messages, Weather, etc., One major update is to the Notifications is the idea of time-sensitive notifications and also focus modes. These features let you have better control over your notifications.

Notifications can get really clunky when the number of apps installed increases slowly. It’s easy to get lost in the chaos and lose important information. iOS 15 aims at providing better customization to Notifications and at the same time helps you avoid distractions.

It’s a good idea once in a while to Mute Notifications and focuses on the work at hand so that you could make sure you are making full use of the time in hand.

How to Mute Notifications on your iPhone – iOS 15

So, to Mute Notifications in iPhone, first things first, you need iOS 15. As of August 2021, iOS 15 is in public beta and can be downloaded by signing up at beta.apple.com with your iCloud account. But if you are hesitant, you can wait till the public stable release to come out in late September.

Assuming you already have the new operating system, follow the steps below to Mute notifications on iPhone in iOS 15.

  1. On the Home Screen, You will see notifications as seen below. Swipe over the notifications as pointed in the screenshot below.

  2. On Swiping, two options like this would be revealed. Tap on Options.

  3. The Options menu would have information on how to Mute notifications. You could either mute for an hour or for the entire day. In case if you want to Mute it entirely, you need to choose View Settings option.

  4. In the Settings menu, if you want to disable all notifications entirely for that app, Choose to disable Allow Notifications at the top. This change is permanent and in case if you want to see notifications for that app anymore, you need to enable it manually. Under that you would see whether the notfications are part of any Notifications Summary. As you can see mine is part of the Scheduled Summary at three time intervals during the day. It means I get notifications only on those three time frames.

  5. Notification Grouping is another setting as part of iOS 15. This is basically how you want to group your Notifications based on what parameter. By default it is Automatic which means Apple determines based on its in device intelligence. I personally like By App option where all the notifications from that app is grouped together irrespective of what time you received them.

Using Focus Mode to Mute notifications

We have all been there where we can constantly be bombarded with notifications from messaging apps, social media, and the unstoppable supply of marketing from businesses all over the world. This stops us from focusing on our projects and progress in life.

Using Focus Mode to Mute Notification on Schedule

Focus is the newest feature that allows you to stop notifications and apps based on what you want to focus on. So, let’s say you work on your dream project. So, whenever you start working on that project you can enable that focus mode you have created just for that. Once you enable that mode, you can be free of all the distractions and get some work done.

To create a Focus Mode, Follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Settings app in your iPhone.

    Settings app
  2. In the Settings app, Choose Focus.

    Select Focus
  3. In the Focus Menu, tap on the + icon at the top right corner to create a new Focus mode. As you can see, there is a focus mode called Sleep.

    Tap on Plus icon
  4. In the new window that appears, choose the type of Focus mode you want to create and then tap on it and you will take to the next screen.

    Choose Type
  5. Enter a Proper name to the Focus mode you are creating and then select a color scheme for it if you can and then tap on Next.

    Give Name and Color
  6. In the next screen, choose the people you want to be avoided while you are in the Focus mode. Once you have selected, tap Allow.

    choose contacts to exclude
  7. In the next screen that appears, choose all the apps that you wan to avoid getting notifications from once you have selected the Focus mode. Once you have done, tap on the Allow button at the bottom. Now, you have created the Focus Mode in your iOS device which has iOS 15.

    Choose apps to exclude

Now, let’s see how to use the Sleep Widget. The Sleep widget shows you information directly on the Home screen after. Follow the steps below to add the Sleep Widget to your Home Screen.

Ready to Mute iPhone Notifications?

So, that’s how you can mute notifications in iPhone. Personally, I have customized the notifications for my preferences and it has been a good experience so far considering I haven’t missed out on anything at all.

A good piece of advice is to not mute notifications for anything that could be time-sensitive like instant messaging apps, alert apps, etc., Other than that these settings can be very effective to not get distracted by the unending flow of notifications.

  • Post author:
  • Reading time:8 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 26, 2021
  • Post category:Apple
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Lynn Joseph

Im Lynn. I work as a Software Engineer and my other interests include Food Photography, Graphic Design,Blogging, Philosophy, Baking and many more. I am an avid reader and I enjoy being productive.

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