Google announced Action Blocks a new way to make your routine works easy and quick on your Android mobile. Action blocks are small widgets that can be configured in a way when you click on the block in your home screen it will execute the command you have configured for that block. Like Calling your Dad, Playing your favorite Music, Watching Video, Alarm, control devices, and much more.

Why Action Blocks?

The main purpose if Google Action Block is to help the elderly ones. As technology grows it is hard for aged people to get adapted. If they want to call someone, they have to open Contacts and search for the name, you can make it easier by adding the contacts to Favorite, as it will show the contacts at the top. To make it furthermore easier, you can add a contact as an action block to make a call or send a customized message, when that block is taped it will make a quick call or send the message.

How to Create an Action Block

Install Action Block from Play Store and follow the below given steps to create and set up an Action Block on your Android mobile and Tablets easy and quick.

Action Blocks setup
  1. Click on Create Action Block
    After Installing Action block from Play Store, choose to Create Action block button to start creating, or choose How it works to know more about the Action Blocks.
  2. Choose the Action
    Now you can see a list of common actions like Make a Phone call, Play Music, Start Video call, set Alarm, and more. I’m choosing Play Music. You can also create custom actions. Where you have to give a working command to your Google Assistant and set it as your Action block.
  3. Choosing the command
    Once you pick an action, you have to choose the command that you want to use on your action block, I’ve picked Play Music, now I have to describe it further, I’m giving the command Play Beatles on YouTube Music, You can also pick whatever music you want and from whatever player you have installed on your mobile.
  4. Test Action
    Click on the test action button to find if your command is working fine or not, If not change your command and test again until your command gets executed through Google assistant properly.
  5. Click Next
    Check the configuration once again and move to the next phase.
  6. Block Image
    Now choose a square Image for your Action block, like If you are creating a block to call your Mom you can place your Mom’s photo, Since, I’m going with Beatle’s Music, I’m placing Beatles image. You can also choose Choose a camera and take a photo or choose Symbols like Key, Heart, Pizza, Email, and much more from the Symbol Library.
  7. Name on Home screen
    Give your block a name, like whatever you want in 2 to 4 words. I’m giving Play Beatles. You can choose names like Call Mom, Send Email to Liza, remind me of Tablets, and more like these.
  8. Save Action Block
    Now, Check the whole set up, and if you are fine with the configuration click on Save Action Block.

With this you have perfectly created an Action block. You can see your Action block in the Manage Action Blocks section, you can Edit, Delete, or Test with Assistant.

Set an Action Block on Home screen

After Creating the action Block, now you are going to learn how to set an Action Block to your mobile Home Screen. please follow the below steps on your Android mobile home screen.

Placing Action Block
  1. Go to Widgets
    Long pressing on the empty space will show you the Widget option in most of the mobile phones If that didn’t work check here on how to add a widget.
  2. Choose Action Blocks
    Now, choose Action Blocks from the list of Blocks.
  3. Place the Block on Home Screen
    Now you’ll see the list of Blocks you have created, pick the one you want to place on the home screen. Drag and place the block on Home Screen.

How to Play an Action Block

Now it’s time to use and try the Action Block in live.

using Action Block

Try Tapping the Block you have created and placed on your home screen, It pop-up the Google Assistant and do the command as you have configured. If not, open the Action Blocks again and edit the block that is not working.

Action Block Not working, How to fix?

If your Action Block didn’t work as you expected,

  • Try opening the Action Blocks application again and click on the block and choose edit option, now click on the test with assistant option.
  • If that fails, check on the command you have used.
  • Give a proper command that your Google Assistant can handle. Test the block again. and Save it.

In some other case, you would have configured the block to do some task via assistant on some application, Like using Gmail. and it was working fine but if you uninstall Gmail and try executing the block it won’t work. Try installing the app again or change the command.

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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