Attending a party; posting it on Facebook! Going to a rock concert; update it on Facebook! Digging in delicious foods with friends; share it on Facebook! Found a new love or had a break up; make it public on Facebook!


Yes, this is how the world appears these days. People just need a reason to log in into their Facebook accounts, and share everything with the rest of the world! But as said, every coin has two different sides; even Facebook also does!

You might enjoy socializing with others through this social media platform, but when it comes to the unwanted Facebook desktop notifications, it surely irritates the hell out of you! Isn’t it? If you too are facing this annoying situation, here is what you should do to solve it.

  1. How to Stop Facebook Desktop Notifications in Google Chrome:

Google Chrome is, in fact, the highest used internet browser across the globe. It is due to the inbuilt and user-friendly features of Chrome that have made it so. It comes with an inbuilt feature that allows you to block notifications from any social sites, online communities, shopping sites, news agency, and the lot more.

However, if you happen to receive desktop notifications from Facebook while using Google Chrome, just follow these steps to stop those untimely and equally irritating notifications:

  • Open Google Chrome and get the cursor to the top-right corner of your screen; to the hamburger menu bar.
  • Click on the menu (hamburger) bar to select the ‘Settings’ tab.
  • Once the settings page opens up, scroll down to find the ‘Show Advanced Settings’ option.
  • Within the ‘Show Advanced Settings’ options, you could find the ‘Privacy’ section.
  • Under the ‘Privacy’ section, search for the ‘Content Settings’ option and click to open it.
  • Opening the ‘Content Settings’, you will get another option called ‘Notification’.
  • Once you click on the ‘Manage Exceptions’ under ‘Notification’, a pop-up will appear with all the hostnames.


  • On to the right side of the hostnames, you will find the options to allow or block notifications.
  • Select the “” option and click on it.
  • On clicking the link, it will ask you whether you want to allow or block Facebook notifications.
  • Select the ‘block’ option and click on the ‘Finished’ button at the bottom of the pop-up window; the window will disappear.
  • Congratulations! You have successfully blocked all the unwanted Facebook notifications; enjoy happy Facebooking!
  1. How to Stop Facebook Desktop Notifications in Safari:

Disabling Facebook desktop notifications in Safari can be perplexing for those who are not-so-used to the browser. However, stopping the notifications is quite and easy and can be done successfully by following these steps:

  • Launch Safari and go to the ‘Preferences.
  • Select ‘Notifications’ under ‘Preferences’.
  • Once you click ‘Notifications’, you will get a list of frequently visited sites.
  • Besides the sites’ names; on the right-hand side, you will be provided with ‘Allow’ and ‘Deny’ options.
  • Select the ‘Deny’ options to enjoy Facebook desktop notification free browsing!
  1. How to Stop Facebook Desktop Notifications in Firefox?

In case, you are receiving Facebook desktop notifications in Firefox, you should follow these steps to block them:

  • Click on the hamburger menu on the top-right of the screen.
  • Choose the ‘Select’ option, and click on the ‘Content’ panel.
  • Find the ‘Choose’ option under ‘Notifications’ and click on it.
  • On clicking, you will find the URLs of the recently or most frequently visited sites.
  • Select Facebook from the list, and click on ‘Remove Site’.
  • Now, you can enjoy desktop notification free browsing on Firefox.

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  • Post author:
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 14, 2021
  • Post category:Internet
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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