Instagram is one of the most seamless applications to use out there. Essentially, it is a photo-sharing platform.  You can see the ‘posts’ of people who you follow. The people who follow you can see the posts you have put up. They can engage it by liking, commenting, putting it as their story, saving or simply sharing with some of their other friends.

Unfollow Everyone on Instagram

Instagram has got algorithms because of which your post might not necessarily reach everyone. A lot of people who follow you might not even be engaging with your posts, and might not even care to do so once in a while. In such times, it is better to unfollow them and keep your follower count to only those people who regularly interact with you or your posts. Unfollowing people is very straight – forward on the platform.

What if you decide, for whatsoever reasons, to unfollow everyone and start fresh maybe? Well, that is not possible directly. But there are three ways here to do so.

Manual Unfollowing Everyone on Instagram

  • Log in to your Instagram account.
  • Go to the profile option.
  • Go to your following list.
  • Do you see that button that says the following? Click on it and select the unfollow option. That white button named following will turn blue and say follow.
  • Repeat the same for the next and the next.

Note: Instagram does not allow you to unfollow more than 200 people at a time. Although that is a limit, even if you continuously unfollow people, Instagram can identify you as a bot and de-activate / remove your account. So, take it slow.

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1. View Private Instagram Profiles
2. Repost on Instagram
3. Delete or Deactivate an Instagram Account
4. View Someone’s Instagram Profile Picture

Anyway, this is how you manually unfollow people on Instagram. But it is very tiresome, right? Is there an easy way to unfollow all at once?

Apps to Unfollow Everyone On Instagram

You can use Apps to do bulk unfollow Instagram, below is the list of apps for Android and iPhone from Google play store and Apple store respectively, these apps are free to use.

1. Unfollow for Instagram (Android)

Unfollow for Instagram

This is the simple Instagram Manager tool to find who is not following you back. Install and Login to see all your followers who are not following you, select all the profiles and click bulk unfollow.

Install Unfollow for Instagram (Android)

2. Mass Unfollow for Instagram (iPhone)

Mass Unfollow for Instagram

This app is for those using the iPhone. Through this app also, you can select all your followers at once, and unfollow them at once.

Install Mass Unfollow (iPhone)

3. Cleaner for Instagram (Android)

Cleaner for Instagram on iPhone
  • Download the app and launch it.
  • Go to your Instagram account, your profile section and then your following list.
  • You will see an option to quickly select your followers, click on ‘Select All’. Click on ‘Unfollow’. But this app is only for android users.

Install Cleaner for Instagram (Android)

But, The usage of the above apps seems easy, but it comes with its own risks. Instagram has been extremely strict with identifying spam activities from bots. So, if you repeatedly use another app to access your Instagram details, there is a good chance you will be banned from the platform. Read through the terms and conditions of Instagram to be sure.

So, what to do?

If you are doing it to keep a low – key profile on social media, then you can consider simply quitting the platform for a period of time.

Or, You can choose to gradually unfollow people.

  • Post author:
  • Reading time:6 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 19, 2019
  • Post category:Internet
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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