With the latest addition of this new feature of adding 10 photos or videos in a single post, Instagram users are loving the new experience so far.

How to upload Multiple Photos and videos:

  1. Update your Instagram app
  2. click on the + button
  4. start choosing photos and videos (Max. 10)
  5. edit and upload

Below is the step by step instruction with photos,

  1. Click on the + button and choose SELECT MULTIPLE

choose select multiple

2. Select Photos and Videos, Maximum is 10.
Selecting photos

3. Click NEXT and edit the photos as you wish and upload them.

editing photos

4. In the Home page, you could see the gallery posts with scroll dots at the bottom.

Image Scroll in Home

The 10 images can also be rearranged as per the image uploader’s wish, which means full customizing option as to which image you want where.

Instagram Event is one of the best ways how this new addition will make better usability. Whenever any event is set up and people start sharing photos, they stream photos one after another incidentally jamming the feeds of their followers with their long list of photos which now can be composed to one single post.

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:January 14, 2021
  • Post category:Internet
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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