Have you ever wondered how to hide the story of your or someone else story from your feed? Well, you could most definitely do that. Instagram has a mute feature that lets you hide stories of particular people or anyone actually. Also, there is a feature that lets you hide your own stories from any no of people. So, we got you covered in both areas. Let’s get into it.

How to Hide your own stories from Followers

First of all, let’s see how to hide your own stories from other people. Before we get into it, its a best idea to make sure that you have the latest version of the software. Since the tutorial is for the latest version, you might not be able to follow in case if you are on the old version.

  1. Open Instagram. Go to the Profiles Tab.
  2. Once you are in the Profiles Tab, Tap on the menu icon at the top right corner of the screen.

  3. In the menu that appears, choose Settings. This will redirect you to the Settings Page.

  4. In the Settings menu that appears, choose Privacy.

  5. Under Privacy, choose Story since we are trying to make changes to Story settings.

  6. The first option under Story is Hide Story From. As you can see currently its showing 0 people. That means that your stories are not hidden from anyone.

  7. So, select the option to see the list of all of the followers where you could select the people you want to hide your stories from. As you can in the screenshot below, choose the people you would like the hide the stories. Once done tap Done at the top right corner of the window. Once done, Those people won’t be able to see your stories from you at all.

That’s how you could hide the story from your followers whom you selected separately. Please make sure to remember that in the case in the future if you chose to allow them back you need to go back to the same menu and uncheck those people from hiding Story from the section. Also, there is no time limit as to how long it’s going to be hidden. it’s permanent. So, please be aware of this.

How to hide other people’s stories from your feed

Now, let’s see how we can actually hide somebody’s else story from our feed. This is pretty straight forward.

  1. First things first, obviously you need to be following this person so that you would see their stories in your feed. I’m assuming this is already done.
  2. Secondly, their story needs to show up in your feed. So, if the user hasn’t posted any story you won’t be able to hide or mute their stories.
  3. Once the story of the person you would like to hide shows up in your feed, Press and hold on to the story icon at the top of the feed as seen below in the screenshot.

  4. This would open up a menu with an option to mute that person’s story.
  5. And as you can see the username of the person shows up in the popup. As we are trying to hide the person’s stories, choose Mute.
  6. Once that is done, you will be alerted with another confirmation as to whether you just want to mute their story or mute their posts as well. So, this is totally up to you. If you choose to go with mute their entire activity, you might want to choose Mute Story and Posts.

  7. After that, you would see their posts in the stories but they will be faded out as you can see below here. This is only showing here, but when you swipe through the stories, you won’t see story content from the people you have muted the stories off.

  8. So, if you choose to unmute someone’s story whom you have muted in the past, press and hold the name of the faded profile as you can see in the image above.
  9. A new menu will appear as you can see below. So, you could select Unmute Story and their stories would be shown to you like normal. This is the only way to actually unmute stories. I wish there was a way to bulk unmute or mute stories on Instagram.

That’s how you hide your stories from people and also mute people’s annoying story content. We all need to protect ourselves from creeps and also why not take down some really annoying content from other people.

Another great option if you would like to hide stories from people is to create a Close Friends List and post story only to them. I do that personally and its a great feature and you choose who gets to see your personal story content. I hope that was useful to you.

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  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post last modified:June 17, 2021
  • Post category:Internet
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Lynn Joseph

Im Lynn. I work as a Software Engineer and my other interests include Food Photography, Graphic Design,Blogging, Philosophy, Baking and many more. I am an avid reader and I enjoy being productive.

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