This post will teach you how to change the default homepage in Google Chrome web browser. A homepage is the default website or web page that you see when you open a new instance of your browser, in this case, Google Chrome for the first time. Google Chrome lets you choose among a variety of options to set as your default homepage. You may set it to be a new empty tab or set it to open a website of choice.

Quick Answer Box:

Changing Google Chrome Homepage:
  1. Go to Settings
  2. Choose “Open a specific page” under On Startup.
  3. click set page and Type the URL for the homepage.
  4. Click OK and the Google Chrome homepage is set.

Steps to change Google as Homepage in Google Chrome:

  • Open Google Chrome and go to Menu (denoted by the three dots at the top right) > Settings.
  • Here among other options, you will see a section called “On startup”
  • Under that section, you will find three options as shown in the screenshot below.

1. Open New tab page in Google Chrome

Selecting “Open the New Tab page” setting, will make Chrome always open a new empty tab on startup. Basically, this is a blank page.


2. Continue from where you left

Selecting the second option i.e., “Continue where you left off” will make chrome load the last web page or set of web pages that you viewed in the browser before closing it.

3. Open a specific page or set of pages

The last option lets you choose a specific website as the homepage. Using this option you can set a new homepage in Google Chrome, Select this option and you will see a menu link titled, “Add a new page”, enter the address of the website of choice as shown in the screenshot and Google Chrome will handle the rest. If you already have the web page you want or set of web pages open, then click on the button “Use current pages”. This will set all currently open web pages as your homepage(s).



Enter the homepage URL as you want, this page will open when you open your Google Chrome browser (or) clicking the home button in your browser.


Once you type the URL and click OK. Your homepage is set for this Google chrome browser, You’ll see a pop-up saying “Your homepage has been set” you can undo this or change anytime.


That’s all, it’s surprisingly easy to change the homepage in Google Chrome like this and it offers a lot of flexibility in this matter too.

Note: if you have set the option to always have the home button displayed on the browser window, then, just drag and drop the web address from the address bar to the home button and chrome will automatically set it as a homepage.

Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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