• A Default browser is a browser that is automatically used when you click a link anywhere in your computer.
  • Here are the steps to change your default browser in Window 11
  • From the given steps you can make Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or any browser as your Default browser in your PC.

After the latest update of Windows 11, Microsoft has been aggressive, like seriously aggressive in pushing its own apps over others. Why do we say that? 

Well, did you try opening any link for a website after the update? What happened right after you clicked the link? If you haven’t tried it yet, lemme tell you that it’d direct you to Microsoft’s own browser, Edge. In other terms, Edge has been set as the default browser for your Windows device and you won’t be able to use your favorite browser until and unless you change it manually. 

Earlier, if you’d open any other browser such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, you’d be asked if you’d want to set them as your default browsers. Alas! That hasn’t been the case with most users lately. And, even if you’d have been lucky enough to get an option like that, it’d take you to a really complicated page where you would find it difficult to get the job done. Considering all these difficulties, internet surfing would be a worse experience for many users and they’d want someone’s help if they aren’t used to Microsoft Edge.

Steps to Change the Default Browser for Windows 11

So, here we are with the perfect solution for you. We’ve found the easiest way for everybody to change the default browser to their favorite one. Here’s a step-by-step guide to change the default browser for Windows 11:  

  1. Open Default Apps in Windows 11

    Open the settings menu on your Windows device and click on the Apps section. From the different options that appear thereafter, select ‘Default Apps’ and you’d get a detailed list of all the apps on your Windows 11 device. Or A much faster and easier way would be to type and search ‘Default Apps’ after clicking the start key on your home screen. You’d get the same option, so click it open and you’d be directed to the Default Apps menu.Default Apps setting

  2. Select the App you want to set as the default browser

    Keep scrolling the list of all the apps available and you’ll shortly find the browser which you’d want to select as your default browser for your device. Click on the app. For now, we’d be using Google Chrome for the purpose but in your case, the browser can be of your choice. You can do the same with Mozilla Firefox, Opera Mini, or any other browser. Choose the app

  3. Click on the app in .html

    After clicking any apps or browser of your choice in the Default Apps section, you get a list of different file types and a single app is assigned to every single one of them as their default app. For example, the file type ‘MP4’ is assigned to Windows Photos. Now, search the ‘.html’ and ‘https’ sections in the window by scrolling down. Once you find it, click on the Windows Edge icon just below it to select your new default browser.Choose the app and change https

  4. Replace the app with Chrome or another browser you want as the default browser

    After you click on the icon, Windows might ask you to first check out their Browser, Edge and you can definitely avoid this warning since you want to change your default browser. So click on ‘Switch Anyway’ and choose the browser that is the most suitable for you. This would most probably change both HTTPS and HTTP default settings to the browser you wish for. If it doesn’t change both of them at the same time, make sure to change them manually.Change default browser in Windows 11

  5. Change all the default browser files to the browser you want

    Now, you’ll have to change the default settings for other file types too because you’d not always get files in HTTPS or HTTP format. So, change the default app for other file types too such as .HTM, .HTML, .XHTML, .PDF etc. Default browser is Google Chrome

It’d be best in your interest to change every single file type’s default app which you’d want your browser to open by default. This would ensure that every time you try to open something that requires a browser, you don’t end up opening Microsoft Edge and can flawlessly keep using the browser of your choice. 

You can also follow the same process for changing any other app as your default app for other file types too.

The steps mentioned above can be performed for any other browser too, so no need to worry. There are also a few things that you should keep in mind while changing the default browser for your Windows 11 device, such as:

  1. Make sure to change every single file type that requires a browser to work. If not, then you’d end up getting directed to Microsoft Edge again and again. 
  2. Before changing the default app for any file type, it’d be better to check if that file type is really compatible with any browser. For example, it won’t be a good match to select Google Chrome as your default music player…lol.
  3. Even after going through this long process of changing the default browser, if you ever open Windows Edge, it might ask you to set it as the default browser. Needless to say, it won’t be a good option to select it as your default browser after all this trouble you’ve been through.
  4. We all know that everyone has different choices and preferences in everything and this also applies while using different browsers. But we’d recommend not to use a potentially malicious browser even if it suits you. If you aren’t used to Microsoft Edge, take your time in suiting yourself. But please make sure to use a browser that doesn’t harm you, your device, and your privacy in any manner. Microsoft Edge might not be comfortable for you in the starting, but it isn’t a bad browser at all. Most importantly, it won’t do anything harmful to you or your device, which is the most important part.

Ready to change your Default browser in Windows 11?

Okay! So we mentioned the best, easiest steps for you to change the default browser for your Windows 11 device and tried to include anything that’d be useful or has importance. Please make sure to get through the steps carefully and do whatever is beneficial for you. Any queries, doubts, and comments are genuinely welcomed, so make sure to describe your experience in the comments too.

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  • Reading time:13 mins read
  • Post last modified:October 24, 2021
  • Post category:Windows
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Sahil Jain

An author at Epost100.com and a student of financial markets. Worked as a teacher and a motivational speaker too(yeah if cheering up your friends can be called that). Lol idk what to write anymore 😂

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