Spring is here, and you need to clean up your digital space as much as physical space. All the clutter you may have gathered over months could be slowing you down, so it makes sense to purge and clear up your devices.

Steps to Clean and Optimize your MAC

If you are a Mac owner, there isn’t much you need to do to deep clean your system. Just a few simple steps and your device will be as good as new. Here are some simple steps that can help you spring clean your Mac with minimal effort and time.

1. Get rid of the file baggage

As you work with your Mac, you tend to retain files that aren’t of any use and only cramp up the storage space. Eventually, big and redundant files can slow down your system, which is the last thing you will want to happen. When you get down to spring cleaning, getting rid of the file baggage should be your top priority. Everything redundant deserves to go, so make sure that you don’t retain them this year.

2. Clean up your Desktop

Your Desktop is often the most cluttered area because storing files here is easy. It is a good idea to sift through these files, organize the ones you want to keep, and delete the rest. You will see a neater screen space once done, and it will make your device lighter and faster as well. Organizing your files in folders is also helpful as you can easily find the ones you want later.

3. Update your Mac

While you may not consider a Mac update a part of the spring cleaning initiative, it can make your device faster. Updating the OS doesn’t take much effort, which is another reason you must do it. But you may get in a fix if there is an error stating that the installation cannot be completed. You will probably ask why can’t i update my mac, and the frustration is genuine because it is so easy otherwise. You can restart and try again, and the problem will be fixed.

4. Get rid of duplicates

Eliminating duplicates is as crucial as getting rid of redundant files from your device. You may have file duplicates in different locations without even knowing. They waste a lot of disk space without serving any purpose. Just check around and pick all the duplicates this spring and clear them out for good. Thankfully, you need not work hard to locate them because there are duplicate finder tools you can rely on.

5. Clean caches

I’ve already written a post on Clearing Cache on Mac. Here is a small brief again. Cleaning your Mac caches should be next on your spring cleaning checklists. Caches are the files you download as you access websites. It happens automatically as the browser wants to improve your web experiences by storing your preferences and history. However, caches end up taking much space on your device and slowing it down. Cleaning caches optimizes your computer and gets it on top of speed and performance.

A spring cleaning initiative is the best thing you can do for your Mac. So go ahead with these five simple steps and get it done!

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:April 12, 2021
  • Post category:Apple
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Henry Richardson

Henry loves to Blog, share his Internet knowledge, helping computer newbies, and make money online.

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