As part of iOS 15 and its major updates to Apple’s own products like FaceTime, Messages and so on, the Weather app got an entire overhaul in terms of its design and even certain functionality.

If you ask whether there was any problem with the older design, I would definitely say No. It was just very skeleton and didn’t do much. Obviously last year, Apple acquired the popular Weather app Dark Sky for a huge sum of money and we could have predicted that Apple had this Weather app overhaul in mind when they threw all that money into the acquisition. The money thrown around for the acquisition was not made public but we all can agree that Apple would have paid good money.

How to use the new Weather app in iOS 15

As you can see in the title, this is how to use the newly redesign when is specific to iO 15, so you need iOS 15 to be installed. At the time of writing this article, August 2021, iOS 15 is available only as a public beta. So, you will have to sign up at with your iCloud account and then install it. If you are not comfortable with it, you can wait until the public release later this year alongside iPhone 13.

Now, assuming you have iOS 15 on your Phone, follow the steps to understand how to use the new Weather app on your phone.

  1. Open Weather app. As you can see it directly lands on the Weather landing page. As you would see in the image below, it would directly show the weather of your current Location. If you have added more locations, you would see a lot of (dotted icon) next to the Location icon. In the Landing page we have animations now which would show movement based on whether its sunny or cloudy or raining. Its hard to show in screenshot but you get the idea.

  2. I have one more location added next to my current location so that’s why you see only one dotted icon next to the location icon. Swipe through the screen to navigate to the next weather location.

  3. Scroll down the weather document to see 10 day forecast which is information provided by Its told to be pretty reliable but then you gotta take the good with the bad. The forecast shows weather for every single hour as you can see.

  4. There is a minor detail section at the top and if you tap on See more you would directed to the URL where you would find detailed report as you can see. For New York, I’m redirected to this page with information like Weather alerts, instructions, affected areas as such.

  5. Now, to see the list of Locations added to your Weather app, tap on the icon at the bottom right corner of the screen. In the Weather section, you will see the locations you have added and as you can see I have my location and New York weather added. In case if you want to delete it you could swipe over the location towards the left and then tap on Delete icon.

  6. You could actually search for location directly from this screen as you can see in the screenshot above and add them if you would like from there.
  7. There’s also a options menu at the top right corner of the screen. There are options like Edit List, Notifications, Type of Unit or even report an issue regarding data.

  8. If you choose the Edit list you will see this menu to make some changes like edit, sort etc.,

  9. In case if you choose to Report an issue, this is the form for it. Enter the details and then hit submit on the top right corner which would be shared with Apple but it won’t be under your name. This is what you can report any error in weather information like overall conditions, Temperature, wind details and such as you can see in the screenshot below.

  10. If you choose to change notifications you could do that in the settings. You could enable notifications for all your locations individually as you can see.

  11. You could also choose location from the map and you could open the map from the page.

  12. Tap on any location you would like to add and tap on the location you would like to add and in the popup that appears, you could add it directly by choosing Add <location name> , or may be if you want to view the location and the weather details if you choose to.

  13. Once you are happy with the details, tap on the Add button at the top right corner of the screen and then voila, you have the new location added to you list and you can swipe through the screen from the landing page and see the weather whenever you like.

Now, that’s how the new Weather app for iOS 15 works. For years, Apple didn’t do much and now we have a major update that does a lot of things and is definitely better than before.

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2. How to Enable Portrait Mode on FaceTime iOS 15

  • Post author:
  • Reading time:7 mins read
  • Post last modified:August 13, 2021
  • Post category:Apple
  • Post comments:0 Comments

Lynn Joseph

Im Lynn. I work as a Software Engineer and my other interests include Food Photography, Graphic Design,Blogging, Philosophy, Baking and many more. I am an avid reader and I enjoy being productive.

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