Epost100’s Quick Answer:

In the iOS:
1. Make sure that the Airpods is connected to the iPhone.
2. Settings -> Bluetooth -> info button.
3. Tap on Name and rename it.

In the Mac:
1. Open Bluetooth Settings from Spotlight.
2. Make sure the AirPods is connected to the mac.
3. Right, Click on the AirPods, Choose Rename. Rename it and click on the Rename button.

To get a more detailed answer on how to change AirPods name on iPhone and Mac, read below.

How to change AirPods name on iPhone

  1. To Change the name of the AirPods, the first thing you have to realize is that the device should be successfully paired with your iPhone. This works only if the pairing is successful because the name is saved in the AirPods.
  2. Once you’ve made sure that the device is paired successfully, Open the Settings App.
  3. In the Settings App, Go to Bluetooth where you will find the list of all the connect and Not connected devices.
  4. Look for the AirPods you are trying to rename and tap on the info button next to the name of the AirPods device.
  5. In the new detail menu that appears, Tap on the Name option. You will be redirected to the rename section where you can actually rename the AirPods.
  6. Type in the new name and tap on Rename at the end. If your device is successfully paired with the iPhone, it will be automatically updated once you chose Rename.

Bonus: How to Change AirDrop Name

Source: iMore

How to change AirPods name on Mac

  1. Airpods names are automatically assigned when you connect to any device for the first time. Like “Joseph’s iPhone“, your AirPods will be assigned the default name as “Joseph’s AirPods“. To change the name in a Mac device, open the Bluetooth Preferences.
  2. As I informed earlier, your Mac should be connected to the AirPods for this rename to work at all. Please make sure that the device is paired successfully.
  3. Open Bluetooth Preferences by clicking the bluetooth icon at the top right corner and choosing Open Bluetooth Preferences.
  4. In the Bluetooth Preferences, you will find the list of all the devices that are connected right now and also the Not connected devices. Look for the AirPods device you are trying to connect.
  5. After verifying that its paired, right click on the device and Choose Rename.
  6. In the Popup that appears, Enter the new name of the AirPods Device and Click Rename to confirm the name change.
  7. This will update the name of the AirPods device right away. The next time you connect to any other device, please look for the device with the new name.

One thing you have to remember is that the name of the AirPods device could be renamed from any other device as well. Since there is no authentication involved or Apple ID integration, you should know that if you connect to a new device, the device name could be changed from there as well.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:November 27, 2020
  • Post category:Apple
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Lynn Joseph

Im Lynn. I work as a Software Engineer and my other interests include Food Photography, Graphic Design,Blogging, Philosophy, Baking and many more. I am an avid reader and I enjoy being productive.

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